IECEP UAE Special General Membership Meeting
IECEP UAE Special General Membership Meeting Date: 30th October 2020, Friday Time: 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM Venue: Via Cisco Webex Meetings
IECEP UAE Special General Membership Meeting Date: 30th October 2020, Friday Time: 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM Venue: Via Cisco Webex Meetings
Please register now through IECEP-UAE 10th Technical Webinar (Free) Topic: Basic Audio-Visual Design Speaker: Engr. Arnold Anchinges Date: October 30, 2020 1:00pm (GST) / 5:00pm (PHT) via Cisco Webex Meetings ( with live streaming at IECEP UAE Facebook Page)
IECEP UAE Chapter was originally the Filipino Electronics and Communications Engineers Association (FECEA – UAE), founded by Engr. Jethroefel Ramboyong in July 2008. In August of the same year, it was recognized by the Philippine Embassy in UAE as one of its duly registered Filipino Organizations. Finally, in September 2008 – it was affiliated as a Foreign Chapter of IECEP, Inc. bearing the name Institute of Electronics Engineers – United Arab Emirates Chapter (IECEP UAE) with Accreditation No. 12. The chapter shares the same vision and mission of the institute that it represents. It is committed to be of service
MARK YOUR CALENDARS as IECEP Inc. celebrates its 70th year! THE e-AGM 2020 will be on November 21 to 28, 2020! More days, more technical sessions, more CPD points! Join us as we celebrate our platinum year! Experience the e-AGM 2020! See you then! Stay tuned! and please keep posted #eagm2020#oneiecep#ieceplatinum#iecep70years
IECEP UAE 10th Regular BOD Meeting Date: 2nd October 2020, Friday Time: 10:18 PM – 12:34 PM Venue: Via Microsoft Teams Meeting
It has been 6 months since the first pandemic lockdown was announced here in UAE. However, IECEP UAE continues to find alternative ways to continuously conduct technical seminars for its members and be able to adapt through the use of digital technologies. The webinar started at around 10:00 AM (UAE time) with an Invocation followed by video playback of the United Arab Emirates and Philippines national anthem, respectively. The 131 participants from different international and local chapters were warmly welcomed by the IECEP UAE Governor. The moderator read the mission and vision of IECEP and reminded the participants of the