IECEP UAE 7th Regular BOD Meeting
IECEP UAE 7th Regular BOD Meeting Date: 26th June 2020, Friday Time: 2:05 PM – 6:33 PM Venue: Via Cisco Webex Meetings
IECEP UAE 7th Regular BOD Meeting Date: 26th June 2020, Friday Time: 2:05 PM – 6:33 PM Venue: Via Cisco Webex Meetings
4th IECEP UAE FREE Technical Webinar 2020 Live Streaming on IECEP UAE FB page. Topic: Updates on the ICT – Landscape and Emergency Telecommunications This is in celebration of ICT Month 2020 with the Theme “Maximizing ICT for the New Normal” Resource Speaker: Engineer Benjz Gerard M. Sevilla Director, IECEP National OASRGEC, DICT Guest Speaker: Asec Alan A. Silor Asst. Secretary for Resilient Government Emergency Communications, DICT Date: June 26, 2020, Friday Time: 10:00 AM (UAE Time)
Amidst the challenges brought by this COVID-19 pandemic, IECEP UAE continues its mission for the educational advancement of its members by conducting regular webinars as part of the continuing education program of IECEP organization. IECEP UAE conducted its 3rd FREE Technical Webinar on the 29th of May 2020 via Zoom meeting with live streaming on IECEP UAE Facebook Page. Our guest resource speaker is no other than our IECEP National President, Engr. Christian Lear F. Miquiabas, PECE, with his topic, Electronics Permit Implementation in the Updated IRR of PD-1096 (National Building Code of the Philippines). The discussion aimed that all
IECEP UAE Chapter had proven once again that its not just a professional organization but also an extended family to all its member based in the Emirates. In its efforts to support some of its members who were directly affected by the Covid19 global pandemic, it never failed to show its care and compassion by providing food pack assistance to ease their difficulty as we altogether face this health and economic crisis. Whilst most of the electronics engineers and practitioners are working in the essential sector such as the telecoms, broadcasting and healthcare industry, there are still quiet some experiencing
IECEP UAE 6th Regular BOD Meeting Date: 29th May 2020, Friday Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Venue: Via Cisco Webex Meetings